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First School


The first school building that housed grades 1 - 12 was built in 1923, on land (10 acres) donated by J.E. & Dessa Wadsworth.  An Ag. Department, Home Ec. Department, and lunchroom were added later, and all were wooden structures.  Communtiy people made a "labor of love" to better their children's education.  The original building was torn down after the rock high school and brick elementary building were completed.  The rock building was partly done with W.P.A. labor. A nice gym and lunchroom were added later.  Also, in 1972, a new Home Economics Department building came along.  In the 1970's, an Ag. Department building and a music department were constructed.  Later additions to the school included a playground equipment, football field lights, a high school gymnasium, kindergarten and primary buildings, two softball fields, a head start building, and a science lab.  A new high school building was constructed @ 1997 - 2000.  The rock high school building was torn down in 2002, and a new elementary building is being constructed in it's place.